Name of Magazine: How’z it Magazine
Concept: This magazine will provide you with travel information, tourist and local area to go, Hawaiian/ reggae bands information, tour dates, recipes on Hawaiian foods, activities you can do there, the nightlife style, and you can see the Hawaiian beauty.
Readers: How’z it Magazine is for both genders male and female, and for the ages between eighteen and over to read.
How’z it magazine would be for anyone to read, however I would like to aim for the people who love the Hawaiian culture, music, food or just likes to travel there for vacation. This is a way they can still keep in touch with what’s going on in the island.
How’z it is a better magazine for you. It has deals, packages, updates on Hawaiian bands that are coming to you, beauty pageants, secret recipes, and provides areas to plan a wedding or honeymoon etc. This magazine will provide with information that the others do not have. Other Hawaiian magazines only focus on Oahu which is a popular tourist island, but this will provide you with information on the other islands like Kauai, Big Island, Maui etc. As of right now there isn’t really a Hawaiian Magazine in the “mainland” , most Hawaiian Magazines are in Hawaii. The only one I would probably consider competition would be surfer magazines; but that just focuses mostly on that sport.
The five advertisements I know will reach out to my readers are deals on a vacation where you can save money, the cover page itself, activities you can do around the islands, discount coupons, and the Shaka sign.
Five articles that will premier in How’z it Magazine is Save Money! Great deals for Hawaiian Airline, See Hawaii's beautiful people, Cook up a Lomi-Lomi Salmon in minutes, Update yourself on the top hottest Reggae Bands, Stop looking at the tourists spots in Oahu come take this virtual tour, and the cover will include a free Coupon inside!
This cover will have a striking few of Waikiki beach, its’ buildings, and Diamond Head.
Aloha! Sounds interesting.